Hello, I am Hamed Gorjiara
I am a Software Engineer at Google, where I lead the development of machine learning-powered smart monitoring systems within Google Cloud, specializing in anomaly detection and impactful mitigation strategies. My role has encompassed pioneering a novel E2E testing language with automated load testing, enhancing system robustness. Holding a Ph.D. from UC Irvine, my research revolved around advanced model checkers and test frameworks, particularly for persistent memory programs, offering automated bug detection and developer-guided solutions. Notably, I innovated an AI-driven constraint compiler tailored to individual client optimization.
Areas of Professional Interest:
AI/ML-driven Platforms
Distributed Systems Development
Testing Frameworks and Compilers
Work Experience
Software Engineering at Google
June 2022 - CurrentDeveloping the next-generation verification software in Google Cloud to automatically detect anomalies and recommend the corresponding solutions to avoid outages. This framework leverages AI to correlate events and patterns of monitoring incidents to their root cause. In addition, I designed and developed a novel E2E testing language with automated load testing, enhancing system robustness and increasing the productivity of the developers.
Graduate Student Researcher at UC Irvine
September 2016 - June 2022I developed an efficient model checker and test framework for persistent memory programs, called Jaaru. This tool simulates the processor and lazily explores executions to identify concurrency and persistent bugs. Also, I implemented a test framework verifying the c++ compiler's optimizations do not cause crash consistency bugs in persistent memory programs. These tool can be used in verifying in-memory databases, transnational libraries, file systems, and etc. It is written in C/C++ and the LLVM compiler is used to automatically annotate memory accesses. Also, I implemented an optimization framework, Satune, for solving constraints captured as similar-linear expressions in a domain-specific language (DSL), and converting them to a Boolean Satisfiability problem optimized for fast execution. This framework written in 20000 lines of C++ code with advanced features such as guided parallel parameter tuning using Machine Learning techniques.
Software Engineering Intern at Google
September 2021 - Dec 2021Designed and implemented a platform to simulate and verify reachability among two instances in Google Cloud Network without physically transferring internet packets between them. The project aimed to automatically test firewall and routing misconfigurations in the large-scale Google Cloud Network and suggest the correct configurations to the users. My contributions include backend development, API design, unit testing, and integration testing with Google's internal tools.
Co-founder of iPlanX
January 2020 - CurrentDeveloping a cloud-based website and mobile applications for promoting events, and booking entertainment service providers such as DJs, artists, etc. My contributions include developing a website and database on the cloud, designing the database and website's APIs, and developing both backend and frontend of the website. Technologies: AWS, Lambda, dynamoDB, NodeJS, React, React-Native, Jest, Redux.
Web Developer at Research Institute of University of Tehran
July 2014 - July 2016Contributed to development of a large scale enterprise web application for National Customs. The application is used for customs declarations, obtaining permits, monitoring/tracking cargo transportation, and reporting anomalies and unexpected events(Single Window). It also provides integration APIs and services for transportation, insurance and tax companies. My contributions include web UI development, back-end service development, and database query development.
Technologies used during this project: MVC framework (Wicket), object-relational mapping frameworks (Hibernate), NoSQL databases ( Cassandra), Java, JavaScript, CSS, JSON.
Download My ResumeEducation
University Of California, Irvine (UCI)
2018 - 2022Ph.D in Computer Engineering | EECS Department
GPA: 4.0/4.0 -
University Of California, Irvine (UCI)
2016 - 2018M.S. in Computer Engineering | EECS Department
GPA: 3.9/4.0 -
University Of Tehran
2012 - 2016Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering | ECE Department
GPA: 17.2/20.0 (3.7/4.0) -
Salam Zeynoddin High School
June 2011Diploma, Mathematics and Physics Discipline
GPA: 19.65/20 (4.0/4.0)
Honors and Awards
My Ph.D. projects awarded Half-Million Dollars by National Science Foundation (NSF)
2020 -
Awarded certificates in Network, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science from Google
2020 -
Awarded certificates in React, React Native, Redux, Node.js, and Javascript from codewithmosh.com
2020 -
Three year full financial Support from National Science Foundation of USA
2018 -
Ranked first on UCI Kaggle Machine Learning competition to predict rainfall from satellite pictures
2017 -
Two year full financial support form UC Irvine
2016 -
Ranked 2nd among HW students in University of Tehran
2016 -
Exempted from M.Sc. uni entrance exam as an exceptional-talent student
2016 -
Ranked 612th among more than 220,000 participants (top 0.2%)
2011Iranian nationwide university entrance exam
Semi-finalist in Iranian National Olympiads of Astronomy and Physics and Computer
2010 -
Semi-finalist in Iranian National Olympiads of Math and Computer
Selected College Project
Peripheral computer system and drivers project
Spring 2015Assembled a step-counter and a USB module on a circuit board and developed software to read the data from USB driver
Hardware/Software co-design project
Spring 2015Profiling the implementation of Logarithm, Square, and Exponent algorithm in both software and synthesized hardware is done in order to measure its improvement Using Quartus and soft core processor (NIOS) synthesized on Altera DE2.
Compiler for COOL object oriented language | Design and Implementation of Compilers
Fall 2014Using Java and Antlr
House Light Managing | Microprocessor - Final Project
Spring 2014Designed and developed a hardware board to sense ambient light and adjust the output light accordingly. | nominated as top 5 best among 40 projects by IEEE Project Award
Pipelined MIPS processor | Computer Architecture - Project
Spring 2014This processor is capable of hazard detection and data forwarding. It is implemented in Verilog HDL and is also tested on Altera DE2 board.
Project Manager System (like Trello) | Distributed and Multi-Threaded Programming
Spring 2013Developed a distributed/multi-threaded project management software. The clients were written in QT/C++, and the backend service was written in C++.
Technical Skills
CC++C#JavaPythonTypeScriptJavascriptBashWeb Development:ReactAWSCSSNodeJSJestHtml
Project Management:GitMavenSubversionJiraJenkins
Data Base:HibernateCassandraMySQLDynamoDB
Operating Systems:WindowsMacOSUbuntu
Contact info
Feel free to use one of the following ways to contact me:
- +1 949 [SIX]7758[NINE]6
- [my name][dot][my surname]@uci.edu
- [my name][dot][my surname]